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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Romantic Toronto

Toronto may not be romantically famous like Florence, or Paris, but there are a lot of places in the TDot that are still romantic and great date spots all year round.

Casa Loma
By far the most romantic historic building in Toronto

Kensington Market
I know it's not obviously romantic, but there's something nice about strolling around Kensington on a date.  It's got more character than any neighbourhood in Toronto, and you're guaranteed to stay entertained by even just looking in the different stores.

Pickering Beach
Pickering has a beach??  That's exactly why I put this on the list.  It's a hidden gem.  It's quiet, and almost a secret amongst it's visitors.  Great for just sitting and looking out on the water.

The scenery at the Bluffs is wonderful, and the trail is nice for strolling in all year round.

The older style buildings in downtown Oakville date back to the 1800's, and you can walk down the street and just choose a quaint little restaurant or bistro to sit in.

The Toronto Harbourfront gives you the best of both worlds - there's always an event, or you can find a quiet place to just admire the city.

Mississauga Waterfront

What's romantic about fresh meat and vegetables?  It's not so much the market, but the ambiance of the market that makes it romantic.  This is like a 5th date place - pick up some fresh ingredients and go home and cook together.

High Park

Edwards Gardens
Toronto Planetarium
Definitely a unique date place, but if you've never been, it's something you need to experience.  The city lights block our view of the stars, sitting back and admiring them here is a fun place to take someone.

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